Ideal government I | Simone Martini’s ‘Maestà’
Occasionally someone takes the position that the cultural revolution has happened, but even then we miss that message and take away some other thing.
Occasionally someone takes the position that the cultural revolution has happened, but even then we miss that message and take away some other thing.
Occasionally someone takes the position that the cultural revolution has happened, but even then we miss that message and take away some other thing.
Occasionally someone takes the position that the cultural revolution has happened, but even then we miss that message and take away some other thing.
Occasionally someone takes the position that the cultural revolution has happened, but even then we miss that message and take away some other thing.
Occasionally someone takes the position that the cultural revolution has happened, but even then we miss that message and take away some other thing.
Natural law & the East Two parts here. 1 | What support can be given to the claim made in yesterday’s post that, despite its trouble with natural law, Eastern…
The standard idea that colleges were proto-universities (early, simpler versions of the same thing) that underwent an expected “transition” is false, say historians. What actually took place was “a pronounced transformation” involving a “general collapse” of a primary institution of conservatism (in the simple sense of the ambition to preserve the central goods of our society).